Meme 2009


1. Fusion & Transformation , 2. ANGELINA JOLIE NYC, 3. fins, 4. Salutation (Day 78), 5. Colorful Rainbow Balloons 114/365, 6. Radiance, 7. Mango Macadamia Coconut Pie – Raw Vegan, 8. rubber soul ROCKS!!!!, 9. ‘Bareback Rider’, 10. Oldest wooden bridge in Europe, 11. Rock art…, 12. When Waves Collide

I got the idea to make a Meme for 2009 from Genie who got it from Danette. Love the idea, love the questions!  Although I have answered so many questions in my journal about my vision for 2009 there were some new questions here.  Here is my Meme and the questions.

*It works best if your answers are short and powerful*

1. Looking back on 2008, what might the theme have been? Transformation
2. If 2008 was a movie, who would play you? ME, OK Angelina Jolie
3. What was your greatest gift of 2008? Zanzibar and meeting my brother, mum and family
4. What is your New Year Resolution, or, what are you committing to this year? Yoga
5. If January could be represented by one song, what would it be? Celebration
6. What do you wish for your body in 2009? Radiance, inside and out
7. Name one new thing you would love to try in the New Year. Making more raw desserts. 🙂
8. What do you long for 2009 to bring? My soul business
9. If that happened, how would you feel? Triumphant
10. Where would you love to vacation in 2009 if money were no object? Switzerland
11. What would you like the theme of 2009 to be? Creativity
12. If 2009 was a book, and the title was 5 words or less, what might the title be? A magnificent life!



  1. Genie said

    There is a lot of water, serenity, freedom and beauty in this mosaic! How awesome that you had a family reunion in Zanzibar! May 2009 bring you creativity, radiance, celebration, success and an impromptu trip to Switzerland 🙂

  2. I’m Judd Corizan and I am the administrator for the blog Sunday Stealing. Every week we search the blogosphere and steal someone’s meme. This week we stole yours. We give you full credit, of course and provide a link back to your journal. We are the most popular Sunday meme on the internet. We have 30 some players who do our memes. In fact we invite you to join us in future weeks. We have a great bunch of bloggers playing, who comment on each other’s memes every week! A lot of our previous “victims of our theft” are now weekly players. It was just published. Thanks a lot! Have a great weekend!

  3. Lisa said

    Isn’t that fun? I love those rocks, and waves collide especially.

    This meme is such a good idea, it’s such a concrete thing to look at through the year.

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